K/S Library (European Branch)

Updated: 24.05.2021
Total number of titles: 484
Page number: 10
Pages: 25
Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Leslye Lilker


Date of Publication: May 1977

Genre: gen

Type: novel

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IDIC 5: The Forging 

Leslye Lilker 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: November 1989

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 1 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: March 1990

Genre: gen

Type: novel

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IDIC Log 2: Echoes of the Past 

Christopher Ng 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: April 1990

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 3 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: August 1990

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 4 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: February 1991

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 5 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: April 1991

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 6 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: August 1991

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 7 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: February 1992

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 8 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: April 1992

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 9 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: June 1992

Genre: gen

Type: novel

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IDIC Log 10: Encounters and Countermoves 

Nicole Comtet 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: June 1992

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 11 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: January 1993

Genre: gen

Type: 2 stories

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IDIC Log 12: The T'Varon Chronicles 1 

Gloria Fry 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: January 1993

Genre: gen

Type: 2 stories

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IDIC Log 13: The T'Varon Chronicles 2 

Gloria Fry 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: April 1993

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 15 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: June 1994

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 16 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: February 1995

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 17 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: ScoTpress

Date of Publication: August 1995

Genre: gen

Type: novel

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IDIC Log 18: Dreams 

Ruth King 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Sheila Clark, Valerie Piacentini

Publisher: IDIC

Date of Publication: April 1996

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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IDIC Log 19 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Doreen Dabinett


Date of Publication: 1982

Genre: slash

Type: novel

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If Freedom Fall? 

K. S. T'Lan 

Cover Zoom [+]


Publisher: Pon Farr Press

Date of Publication: 1993

Genre: slash

Type: novel

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Imaginary Lines 

Alexis Fegan Black 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Jean Hinson, Julie Dietl, Bea Bula

Publisher: FireTrine Press

Date of Publication: April 1985

Genre: slash

Type: anthology

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Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Lynda Kaye Boots, Judith Ward, Helen Padgett


Date of Publication: 1979

Genre: adult

Type: anthology

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In a Plain Brown Wrapper 1 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Helen Padgett, Madeline Rogers


Date of Publication: 1981

Genre: adult

Type: anthology

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In a Plain Brown Wrapper 2 


Cover Zoom [+]


Publisher: Doreen Dabinett

Date of Publication: 1981

Genre: slash

Type: novella

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Inevitable Love 

Rowena Smythe 

Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Pat Harris

Publisher: Memory Alpha Press

Date of Publication: 1978

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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Infinite Diversity 1 


Cover Zoom [+]

Editor: Pat Harris

Publisher: Memory Alpha Press

Date of Publication: 1978

Genre: gen

Type: anthology

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Infinite Diversity 2 



The K/S Fanzine Library is a lending library and works by snail mail. Browse our catalogue (detailed information on the contents of each zine can be found in the linked Fanlore articles), choose up to three zines, and get in touch with your friendly librarian (kslibrary AT kiscon DOT org) who will then send the zines to your postal address. After three weeks (not counting shipping time) you mail them back to the library, together with a little cash to reimburse the library for postage costs. Rinse & repeat.

There is currently no U.S. branch of the K/S Library. If you live in the U.S. you can still order from the European branch, but due to the high postage costs it might be much more reasonable to check if you can get the desired zine on Ebay or Jim & Melody's zine shop. We are working on establishing a new U.S. branch of the K/S Library in the near future.

There are a few zines in our collection that are still kept in print by their publishers (e.g. all zines by Mkashef Enterprises) and are thus not eligible for snail mail lending. They are part of our reference library only and you can read them should you happen to pay a personal visit to the library in Vienna. The K/S Fanzine Library does not want to take away business from zine publishers! On the contrary, we hope to whet your appetite for print zines, and encourage you to invest in this traditional fannish medium. It's in the hands of the fen whether new zines will continue to see the light of day in the future.

So if you'd like to get your hands on a zine in this catalogue that's still in print, we will happily assist you with getting in touch with its publisher.